Closed for COVID-19
Due to COVID-19, the Center for PostNatural History will remain closed until further notice. We encourage would-be visitors to stay at home and follow the...
Sorry Inconvenient
Welcome to the Center for PostNatural History
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Orientation Video
Big Farms Make Big Flu
We have a limited number of signed copies of Rob Wallace's extraordinarily timely book Big Farms Make Big Flu available in our online store. All proceeds will go to...
The Daily: The Battle Over the Sea Monkey Fortune
Listen to Jack Hitt read his brilliant story on the legal battle of The Amazing Sea Monkeys™ on this weeks episode of The Daily. Center for PostNatural History w...
Jack Hitt New York Times 怎样可伍上国外的网站
Gas Masks for Dogs
US Army Chemical Corps Museum This collection of approximately 6,000 artifacts pertaining to the history of chemical, biological, and radiological warfare is...
field trip 2013
Spectres of the PostNatural
This series of stereoscopic (3-D) photographs of specimens from the CPNH allow the postnatural to be viewed in an entirely new scale. Seattle Art Fair...
3D Photography Seattle Art Fair Spain Touring
Domestication of the Dinosaur
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Radio: It's Only Post-Natural
The excellent segment originally produced for The Pulse by Irina Zohrov, is now on NPR's Studio 360
NPR Studio 360
"Birdlike & Wingless", our collaboration with musicologist Ian Nagoski, will be on display in Baltimore's Peale Museum throughout the month of October as part of...
Ian Nagoski Peale Museum
Just Add Water: The Story of The Amazing Sea-Monkeys™
This is the story of how a tiny, magical creature was transformed into a cultural phenomenon by inventor, marketing genius and complicated eccentric Harold von...
Great Big Story CNN Films
How This Adorable Frog Became One of the Earliest Pregnancy Tests Around
Original story. How This Adorable Frog Became One of the Earliest Pregnancy Tests Around By Kate Leaver If you ever get the question "which common...
Earth in the Age of Humans
Carnegie Magazine: Earth in the Age of Humans By Julie Hannon Tucked away in an unassuming office near Carnegie Museum of Natural History’s world-renowned b...
Carnegie Magazine
Radio New Zealand Interview
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London show confirms the natural world is dead. Good riddance
Original article in New Scientist. 24 January 2017. London show confirms the natural world is dead. Good riddance. A Wellcome Collection exhibition demonstrates...
怎么上国外网站 怎样可伍上国外的网站
HELLO, WORLD: Making Nature at Wellcome Collection
Fantastic review of the exhibition "Making Nature" that we co-curated at the Wellcome Collection, written by Justin Hopper: The Learned Pig
The Learned Pig Making Nature
Radio: CPNH on The Pulse
Listen to The Pulse discuss the Center for PostNatural History as part of their feature on Natural History Museums. By IRINA ZHOROV This piece is a part of our...
National Public Radio
This Museum Documents All the Ways Man Has Messed With Nature
Read the original story on Vice The Center for PostNatural History is a small museum in the Garfield neighborhood of Pittsburgh. According to the museum's...
The Battle Over the Sea-Monkey Fortune
Read Jack Hitt's extraordinary article for the New York Times Magazine: The Battle Over the Sea-Monkey Fortune. "According to Richard Pell, who maintains an...
NYTimes Jack Hitt
HyperAllergic: A Museum for the PostNatural Age
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Listen to Richard Pell, Director of the Center for PostNatural History speak with host Ira Flatow on the October 9th edition of NPR's Science Friday. Several...
National Public Radio
American Scientist: Bringing the PostNatural Into View
This article originally appeared in the April/May 2015 issue of American Scientist Magazine. Bringing Postnatural History into View Domesticated species of...
American Scientist Pell Allen
National Geographic: Age of Disbelief
"It’s an old but troubling phenomenon: Many of us reject the evidence that scientists painstakingly compile." Read the full article at National Geographic M...
National Geographic Richard Barnes
Nature: Interview
Originally appeared in the February 16th, 2012 issue of Nature Transgene Curator Interview by Jascha Hoffman Why did you start the museum? As an...
Nature 怎么上国外的网站2021
Scapegoat: Rich Pell in Conversation with Emily Kutil
Photo by Heather Mull. Originally appeared in issue No. 5 "Excess" of the journal Scapegoat. Welcome to the Museum of PostNatural History: Rich Pell in...
Scapegoat Emily Kutil
Popular Science: Top 25 Nerd Road Trips
This article originally appeared in the July 2013 issue of Popular Science magazine. Center For PostNatural History Courtesy Center for PostNatural...
New Scientist: Culture Lab
Originally appeared in the March 2012 New Scientist Culture Lab blog. By Sara Reardon It was once the pastime of gentlemen: collecting curious plant and...
New Scientist Sara Reardon
National Geographic: PostNatural History
Originally appeared in National Geographic's science salon "Phenomena", March 25th, 2009 PostNatural History By Carl Zimmer Last year I took part in a talk...
National Geographic Carl Zimmer
Forbes Magazine: No Transgenic Spider-Goats At The Smithsonian? Welcome To The First Post-Natural History Museum
(Originally appeared in Forbes online edition) From the collection of the Smithsonian: Mus musculus domesticus, photo by Center for PostNatural History, 2011....
Forbes Jonathon Keats
City Paper: Post-Natural Instinct
Photos by Heather Mull. By Bill O'Driscoll Richard Pell's photos, shot in the parking lot of a local Walmart, depict giant pumpkins. The gourds, submitted...
City Paper Bill O'Driscoll
The Magazine: Biological Parents
Photo by Stephanie Strasburg Originally published in The Magazine Issue #21 July 18, 2013 By Amanda Giracca One day during his senior year of high school...
The Magazine 怎样可伍上国外的网站
Roadside America: Trunkations Review
如何买国外域名相关的IT服务-域名主机 – 阿里云:阿里云云市场为您提供和如何买国外域名相关的IT服务;阿里云云市场是软件交易和交付平台;目前云市场上有九大分类:包括基础软件、服务、安全、伋业应用、建站、解决方案、API、IOT及数据智能市场。关于如何买国外域名相关的服务有:基础软件,服务,安全,伋业应用,建站,如果您想查看更多 ...
Roadside America
United Hemispheres: Dispatches
Originally published in the August 2014 United Airlines Hemispheres in-flight magazine Exploring the world of weapons-grade goat milk and alcoholic...
A Day in the Life
These timelapse videos of ginseng and goldenseal growing were shot in the spring of 2011 using a Canon 5D, Dragon software and a custom camera mount developed...
PostNatural Exhibit at NHMLA
Los Angeles County Natural History Museum hosts PostNatural That was then. This is now: PostNatural Nature Exhibition on view February 7 through April 28,...
We Are Nature @ CMNH
Six exhibits from the Center for PostNatural History were on loan to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History for the We Are Nature exhibit, which examines the role...
Carnegie Museum of Natural History
Making Nature: How We See Animals 1 December 2016 - 21 May 2017 Wellcome Collection London, UK The question of how humans relate to other animals has...
Wellcome Collection Exhibition
That was then. This is now. was on display at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome as part of the HUMAN+ exhibition. This presentation brings together 5...
2014-present touring exhibit
Atomic Age Rodents
The rodents in this exhibit found their way into the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History via several different paths. Each tells a tale of rodent life,...
怎样才能浏览国外网址 publication
PostNatural Organisms of the European Union
A collection of organisms deliberately altered by humans, from domesticated pets and agricultural seeds from the Norwegian Svalbard global seed vault, to alcoholic...
2012-2016 touring exhibit
The American Eugenics Archive
The American Eugenics Archive is on display until October 14th in the University of Pittsburgh, University Art Gallery in the Frick Fine Arts building, as a part...
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